5 Plus Size Content Creator Limiting Beliefs to Overcome

INTRODUCING… Chronicles of a Curvy Girl with Christelle! A regular column with content creator and influencer, Christelle. This is your guide to living life to the fullest regardless of your size or lifestyle!

Plus size content creators often face more barriers to the social media industry. It’s harder, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Here’s 5 limiting beliefs I’ve had to overcome to show up consistently in this space.

“I’m not attractive enough for social media.” — Limiting Belief No.1 for Plus Size Content Creators

The beauty standard is constantly shifting, and fatphobia runs deep. Social media rewards the “prettiest” content creators with the most “perfect” lives, but I’m here to show the real, unfiltered journey. Screw the standards. I know my worth isn’t tied to aesthetics. Even if the fatphobic idiots of the world don’t see it, I’m validated by God and myself. I think I’m attractive which is really all that matters. 

“I don’t have the ‘right’ plus size shape for full-body content.” — Limiting Belief No.2 for Plus Size Content Creators

There’s always a hierarchy. Just like the light-skin vs. dark-skin debate, plus size bodies are treated differently depending on the proximity to “societal acceptance.” Hourglass and pear-shaped figures are often more accepted than apple-shaped ones. It’s unfair, but I’ve learned to make peace with my body at every stage. There are people who need to see themselves represented in me. When I feel insecure about my arms, a swimsuit, or a crop top, I remind myself that the least interesting thing about me is my body type.I have so much more to offer.

group of women of different body types, wellness plus size content creators

“I can’t post about fitness until I lose weight.”— Limiting Belief No.3 for Plus Size Content Creators

You can’t please everyone…especially when you’re fat. And for the record, fat is just a descriptor, not an insult. People will have opinions about your gym outfit, your rolls, or how you jiggle when you jump. Ignore them. Move your body because you love it, not because you hate it. Or don’t. Do whatever makes you feel good. If you don’t want to lose weight, don’t let anybody’s self-hating projection make you feel bad about yourself. Take up space in person, online, in the gym, at the function, wherever you go. You deserve to be seen. 

Here are some TV Characters who will help you fell seen as well.

“I’m invisible to men, so something must be wrong with my content.” — Limiting Belief No.4 for Plus Size Content Creators

It’s easy to fall into the trap of creating for the male gaze when society practically conditions us to do so. Some plus size women thrive in dating, but that hasn’t been my reality. I’ve felt overlooked, rejected, and made to believe I’d never be “the prize.” But instead of dwelling on who doesn’t see me, I focus on the women who do. My platform is a safe space for those who feel different and have been made to believe they aren’t enough. Would I like to be desired romantically? Of course. But I won’t waste my energy proving my worth to people who refuse to see it. Period.

“I shouldn’t get my hopes up about working with brands.”— Limiting Belief No.5 for Plus Size Content Creators

It’s 2025. Brands prioritizing DEI should be the norm, not the exception. Sadly, that’s not the case. But I refuse to play small. When I pitch to brands as a plus size content creator, I do it confidently, not just because of my skills, but because mindset matters. If you expect things to be hard, they will be hard. That’s not to dismiss real obstacles, but expecting rejection is a trauma response. And I’m in the business of healing. What about you?

Who am I? — Could I be your new favorite plus size content creator?

I’m Christelle. I’ve been creating content long before it was the “it girl” thing. And I’ve been the plus size girl for even longer. My journey with self-love and confidence has had highs and lows, but sharing my life has helped me take up space. Even if you don’t want to be a plus size content creator, I hope you stop making yourself small. Life will try to hold you back—don’t be one of the things that does.

This is my first article of this nature in years. If you want more, find me on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok: @christelleangelexo.

See you soon for more Chronicles of a Curvy Girl.

I’m excited! Are you?   

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